Intermediate ElasticBody

The feeling of lightness is important in agility and speed. In this course we explore a number of methods to help you recognise and develop the feeling of lightness so that you can move more quickly and with greater changeability.

Co-ordinations and whole body springs

Although the methods of ElasticBody Phase two are relatively simple, they require work and time to develop. We use stretching and springing methods to develop lightness, then focus that through 'Counter Movement' where we change plane and direction in an instant.

Contextualise with a partner

Partner training and application ideas add depth to your understanding of the ElasticBody. Becoming light and working with an external stimulus will fire up your action/reaction skills and link them to your ElasticBody attribute.

What's in the course?

  1. 1
    • Welcome to ElasticBody phase 2

    • Goals & Objectives

    • Training safely

    • Creating whole body stretch & recoil

    • The whole body spring - Compress and release

    • Counter movement training

    • The importance of structure

    • Building up speed and power

  2. 2
    • ElasticBody Preparations

    • Technique 1 - Stretching to corners

    • Technique 2 - Body cross Stretching

    • Techniques 3 - Downwards Stretch

    • Technique 4 - Sagittal Stretch

    • Warm Up Sequence

  3. 3
    • Developing stretch and recoil - like stretching elastic & pinging

    • Technique 1 - Feeling Stretch & Recoil

    • Technique 2 - Lateral Stretch & Recoil

    • Technique 3 - Sagittal Stretch & Recoil

    • Technique 4 - Open & Close Stretch & Recoil

    • Technique 5 - Running Stretch & Recoil

  4. 4
    • Introduction to Whole body spring - compress and release

    • Feeling the whole body spring

    • Diagonal Spring

    • Running Spring

    • Opening & Closing Spring

    • Cross Body Spring

  5. 5
    • Counter Movement - Agile change

    • Technique 1 - Vertical to Sideways Counter movement

    • Technique 2 - Opening Sideways to Forward Counter Movement

    • Technique 3 - Sagittal to Sideways counter movement

    • Technique 4 - Refining Counter Movement Training

  6. 6
    • Introduction to Partner Drills

    • Bounce out and back

    • Bounce out and speed touch

    • Bounce and develop angle

    • Escape the touch and bounce out

    • Escape the touch mutual game

  7. 7
    • Escaping superior force

    • Rapid angle changes

    • Pre-emptive attacking

    • Making space

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