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5 star rating

Great foundational course

Marko Vojnovic

It is very rare to find an online body training course where the coach gives detailed instructions that are, at the same time, short and clear enough so that people can achieve results without face time with a good instructor. MartialBody's HeavyB...

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It is very rare to find an online body training course where the coach gives detailed instructions that are, at the same time, short and clear enough so that people can achieve results without face time with a good instructor. MartialBody's HeavyBody - Foundations easily accomplishes that. It is a great intro into how softness and gravity create power. It's a good fit for martial artists, but also for anyone who just wants to learn how to move well, in a relaxed manner and without excess tension.

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5 star rating

Discover a game changer

jaime girona

In the early days of MMA, grapplers taught a valuable lesson to the world, painfully reminding everybody that you just cant ignore an entire aspect of combat. Then wrestlers shared an even more important one: No matter how good you are in one rang...

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In the early days of MMA, grapplers taught a valuable lesson to the world, painfully reminding everybody that you just cant ignore an entire aspect of combat. Then wrestlers shared an even more important one: No matter how good you are in one range or position if I can choose where is going to happen the fight and keep you there. Both lessons let us infer a third one: Mastering transitions leads to be able to dictate the progress of a combat. Here is where Stable Body can help us immensely. Stability is the bedrock of changes. Far from being a defensive feature, being stable means that we can control and steamroll through our opponents without being affected by their counters. Being super hard to sweep and throw while fully able to deliver your power is something you definitely want to have in your arsenal.

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5 star rating

Practical guidelines for a better connected and stronger body

Bjoern Friedrich

This course is full of exercises that will help you to understand the term "Connection". You will learn how use your whole body as a (strong but flexible) unit. Some of the stuff is physically easy to do others is very demanding but never the les...

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This course is full of exercises that will help you to understand the term "Connection". You will learn how use your whole body as a (strong but flexible) unit. Some of the stuff is physically easy to do others is very demanding but never the less you will get a connected body with a strong structure.

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5 star rating

A truly insightful and groundbreaking course

Joseph Lawrence

This is by far the most practical and systematic set of instructions and training methods for attaining internal strength, and many of the other qualities that experienced martial artists have, especially those who have trained in the so called 'i...

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This is by far the most practical and systematic set of instructions and training methods for attaining internal strength, and many of the other qualities that experienced martial artists have, especially those who have trained in the so called 'internal' martial arts. The exercises and methodology is very clear and well structured. It has made crystal clear and practical, many body skills and attributes that I previously could only get murky and often mysterious explanations for. I thoroughly recommend for literally any martial artist, or anyone interested in developing interesting, intelligent, whole body strength!

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5 star rating

Great course with clear and practical exercises and drills

Bjoern Friedrich

Together with the "Connection" Course this is my favorite martialbody course. There are tons of exercsies with clear and precise explainations. Also a lot of theory about how this stuff is working and why you should do it. I would suggest this vou...

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Together with the "Connection" Course this is my favorite martialbody course. There are tons of exercsies with clear and precise explainations. Also a lot of theory about how this stuff is working and why you should do it. I would suggest this vourse for anyone who wants to become quicker and more agile regardless what kind of martial arts or sport he is doing.

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5 star rating

Spiral Body Foundation

Bruce Wells

Great course. Was familiar with most concepts, but the explanations cleared up questions I had. Love the solo exercises!!!!!👌😎

Great course. Was familiar with most concepts, but the explanations cleared up questions I had. Love the solo exercises!!!!!👌😎

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The MartialBody - The foundation of the greats

Why do high level Martial Artists ‘feel’ different when they apply technique? How do the greats create such power in such small space? How does the lightweight BJJ World Champion feel crushingly heavy? How does the skinny Muay Thai Champion hit like a truck? They have all, to some degree or another developed what we call the ‘MartialBody’.

Attributes not Aesthetics

The MartialBody isn’t defined by aesthetics, it isn’t simply how big your muscles are or how good your cardio is, instead it is defined in the ‘attributes’ that make the greats great. How they are Heavy beyond their size, Stable as a mountain, Linked together, Agile and quick, complex in their motion and Fluid of mind.

Specifically structured for results

MartialBody is a progressive and logical training methodology to obtain these attributes. The system has been designed so that the maximum benefit is gained by those training all of the modules (Bodies). If you would like to begin to build the MartialBody, get increased softness, stability, strength, agility and movement skill, all while maximising your health, this could be the Bundle for you.

Included in this Bundle

check out the amazing Foundations courses included in this bundle.

HeavyBody Foundations

Want to learn to relax, soften and release bound tissues? Want to feel unusually heavy when you grapple or strike someone? This is the course for you. In order to transfer our weight we need to understand how to release the tension that may be acting like a brake or stopping much of it before it leaves our body. This is the focus of the HeavyBody Foundations Course.

StableBody Foundations

Many of the techniques of the martial arts, especially in grappling, depend on us being able to manipulate our partner or opponents structure in some way. We often want to distort their posture, change the alignment of their spine, their shoulders and hips or pull them out of their base of support. StableBody will make you feel hard to manipulate and stronger than you appear by optimizing your alignment and the harmony of your body.

ConnectedBody Foundations

These experts use the co-ordination of their tissues and frame to drive every movement from every muscle and connective tissue in the body. As such even a slight motion can have the full force of the whole body acting behind it. Unusual ‘strength’ and power is a big advantage. Get it, by linking all of the tissues together so that every movement is backed by the whole body.

ElasticBody Foundations

Speed and Agility should be in any Martial Artists Arsenal. In ElasticBody training we use the ground and our tissues to create lightness, speed and agility of movement. action and reaction cycles alongside elastic tissue development so that the body will natural 'pop' when its needed.

SpiralBody Foundations

The best martial artists from around the world naturally move with precision, purpose and complexity. This course kicks off the Movement section of the MartialBody System by introducing you to the building blocks of complex movement. In this course you will find an exploration of movement from linear to circular to spiralling.

FluidBody Foundations

Learning to use the breath, awareness and movement to bring ourselves to the moment. This attribute allows adepts to flow and change with the ever changing conditions of the fight, drill or situation. The final Foundations course, which feeds all others.

Bundle includes

Here are all the courses that are included in your bundle.

Pricing options

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